by Iain Wilson
If you've got a website with a contact form, you're probably sick to death of getting these unsolicited messages from people who don't know you, telling you they will get you to the top of the search engines.
They're usually from someone with a address and a dubious phone number and say something like this:
"We noticed that you are not at the top of the search engines for a number of your key terms. We have helped companies similar to yours to achieve top organic rankings. Please reply to this message and we will prepare a special proposal for you, to show you how we can achieve similar results for you."
Clearly, they don't know you or your business/website. The messages are annoying and take up time. So what can you do?
Your spam system may not be able to filter them, but if you're a Blot customer and use a contact form, we can add a filter that will get rid of most of them.
Just get in touch to request the filter.
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