Edinburgh Web Development

Case Studies

Recent Blot Design projects

  Albacore Contract Catering

  Our Own Book Club app

  Springfords Accountants

  Ace Property

  Professional Skills Video Training System

Case Studies

Above are some recent projects. Click on a link or screenshot to get more details.

We work with a pretty varied set of clients, which means we get experience in a lot of different industries. Industry knowledge can really help when working on a new project, because we can add value to our clients with suggestions and observations that we've picked up along the way.

That said, it is also exciting to work on something brand new with new requirements, perhaps new technology, and different ways of thinking.

Our work is often aimed at improving a company's internal processes and cannot be viewed publicly but we hope our project descriptions will give you a sense of the benefits web development brings to our clients. 

We hope you will see how elements of these might be applied to any project you're thinking about.

Blot Design,
10 Colinton Road, Edinburgh, EH10 5DT
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