Edinburgh Web Development

October 2015 newsletter

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  October 2015

This month's menu

Piwik v Google Analytics
Getting noticed with Babbly
13 Hottest Startups in Scotland

Just off the wire

Uber comes to Scotland

Taxi app launches first service in Glasgow.


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Piwik v Google Analytics

Last month we told you about Piwik - the web analytics package which some people reckon is an alternative to Google Analytics.

Well, it looked pretty interesting, and - most importantly - easy to understand and use. Unlike Google Analytics...

The other thing people like about it is that your data, is just that - yours - you don't give it to Big Brother Google.

Anyhow, this month we installed it on our own server and let it do its thing with the Blot website.

The results were pleasant and interesting. Could it take over the mantle from Google Analytics?

Find out here…


Getting noticed with Babbly

It's getting harder to get noticed in the digital world.

A few years ago no-one had even heard of content marketing, now everyone and his dog is blogging and sharing, tweeting and posting.

So maybe you need a helping hand?

Here comes a new service called Babbly that might be just what you need. It's like a 'givers gain' networking service for sharing content.

You join up, then every time you want to promote something, you tell the service how many shares of that item you'd like, then you start to share other people's content. Every time you share something, your item gets shared too.

Might be just what you need.

Find out more …

13 Hottest Startups in Scotland

Scotland's business ecosystem for startups is pretty fantastic.

If you've got some ideas and a bit of ambition, you can all kinds of assistance to get your business off the ground. Be it funding, mentoring, office space, training - there's loads of help from both public and private organisations.

And with successes like Skyscanner and FanDuel, people are starting to take notice. Venture capital is coming in large amounts because logically, success says there is a possibility of more success.

This article lists some of the hot companies out there. Some you may have heard of, others you won't, but they've all got something in common - they're Scottish.

Read more …


T: 0131 208 1792 E: info@blotdesign.com W: www.blotdesign.com

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