Edinburgh Web Development

October 2016 newsletter

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  October 2016

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End for native apps?
Smartwatch sales down
Uber lose tribunal

Just off the wire

What's your visual DNA?

Take GettyImages' quiz


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The end for native apps?

Things are afoot in the app world.

Web apps - applications that run in your browser and need an Internet connection - are changing.

And they are going to have a lot of the same facilities as Android and iPhone apps - push notifications, offline synchronisation and operation etc.

Paying for two versions of the same app has always been a commercial reality that business had to accept, but in the future they may have an option.

Does this mean the end for native apps?

Our guess is that in the future, as now, there will always be situations that favour each.

More on web apps…


Smartwatch sales down

Well, who would have thought it?

Sales of smartwatches have plummeted by over 50% in the last 12 months.

Given that the majority of smartwatch sales are for the Apple Watch and people are waiting for release of the new version, those figures may be a little skewed.

But it really does look like a smartwatch isn't for everyone. Or perhaps smartwatches are still trying to find the killer app that really sells them.

Find out more …

Uber lose tribunal

We've reported many times in the past on Uber's legal trials and tribulations.

The disruptive business model they have has certainly not found favour with everyone.

Particularly two of their UK drivers, it seems.

The drivers took Uber to a  a London employment tribunal to argue that they were employed by the company rather than working for themselves. And therefore entitled to employee rights.

This month the tribunal found in the driver's favour in a ruling that could cause Uber to totally rethink their model.

Uber say they will appeal.

Read more …


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